SEITZ – 閥門技藝 SEITZ(歐根賽馳)是在高端電磁閥技術領域,獨立提供產品應用和方案解決的行業領導者。 歐根賽馳致力于高品質、新科技產品和專業系統服務。我們優秀的產品性能和品質來源于卓越的設計和工藝。 壓縮天然氣(CNG)和氫氣(H2)加氣系統和車載氣瓶高壓電磁閥及系統應用 PET吹塑成型機械電磁閥和系統應用 石油化工、柴油和汽油發動機、火電廠和核電站、汽車工業以及個性化方案等電磁閥應用
SEITZ takes up a global leading position for solenoid valve manifolds to control natural gas filling stations. Very new solenoid valve manifolds – called Priority Panels – complete the assortment of CNG pressure storage control units. Considering the wide range of different filling station systems of our customers, we offer standard versions and especially customised solutions of manifolds.